EGATIN Study Days & AGM 2025 Berlin, Germany 25/04/2025 – 27/04/2025

EGATIN Study Days

"Working with polarization in our groups & in group-analytic training" 

EGATIN Annual General Meeting

In Berlin, Germany, April 25-27, 2025

More information and registration:

Study Days & AGM 2024 Aarhus, Denmark 26/04/2024 – 28/04/2024

EGATIN Study Days

"In Times of Disruption – Who and What is Group Analysis for and Where are we going in Group Analytic Training?" 

EGATIN Annual General Meeting

In Aarhus, Denmark, April 26-28, 2024

Venue: Diaconal University College, Lyseng Allè 15H, Højbjerg
Galla dinner & Dance at Café Hack - Teatergaden 1, (Bishop’s square)

Detailed info in 'Next EGATIN Study Days' 


PrEAGTIN on the 24th of March, Friday, 17-19.30 CET Online 24/03/2023 – 24/03/2023
On behalf of EGATIN committee and the Local Organizing Committee Budapest we would like to invite you to join the online tuning event for EGATIN, called PrEAGTIN on the 24th of March, Friday, 17-19.30 CET.
The presenters will be EGATIN trainees who have submitted to present at EGATIN Study Days and AGM, one of the hybrid large group leaders who will share her experiences of a previous hybrid large group and Katrin Stumptner who has introduced the last delegates' meeting the book "Group Analytic Work with Children and Adolescents - Impulses for a Creative and Diverse Practice" and who will talk about her article from this book.
Free of charge but registration needed.
Platform: Zoom (link will be provided on the day of the event)
Detailed program:17:00-17:10 Introduction
17:10-17:30 Arnav Nagpal, Irena Shtraza, Maria Puschbeck-Raetzell, Marija Kamatović, Yuliya Mikhalouskaya, Judith Enders: International group analysis – part of the developing group analytic identity?
17:30-17:50 Shaifila Ladhani: We are going to die! – Acknowledging the death of the group
17:50-18:10 Karolina Mobbs: Psychoanalyst outside the consulting room: the polarization of socio-political situation in a context of transgenerational trauma and the splitting of the ego as a defence against overwhelming reality
18:10-18:30 Márta Takácsy: Impressions and experiences as a hybrid large group conductor of the Psychotherapy Weekend in Hungary
18:30-18:50 Katrin Stumptner: No connection, no detachment: Group Analytic Work with Adolescents and Parents. The complexity of a triadic setting as a group-analytical mechanism.
18:50-19:30 Closing discussion group
EGATIN Study Days & AGM in Budapest, 21 - 23 April, 2023 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY 21/04/2023 – 23/04/2023

Below you can find the practical information about the Study Days & AGM 2023 in Budapest: 

Early bird registration is prolonged to 20th of March. 
Participation fee to be transferred here:
Csoportanalitikus és Kiképző Társaság
IBAN: HU72 1199 1102 0210 5785 0000 0000
1081 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 6. II/29.
If you have any difficulties in making a bank transfer contact us at so we can find an alternative possibility for you.
Early bird supporter fee (190 EUR)
Early bird organization fee (190 EUR)
Early bird full fee (160 EUR)
Early bird trainee fee (50 EUR)
Supporter fee (210 EUR)
Organization fee (210 EUR)
Full fee (190 EUR)
Trainee fee (80 EUR)

Bursaries: EGATIN offers bursaries of the fee for trainees. Please write to if you would like to receive a bursary

Venue: Bálint Ház, Budapest 1065, Révay utca 16.

For any questions write to:
The Programme is available.
EGATIN Study Days & AGM 2022, Rome ROME 10/06/2022 – 12/06/2022


In 2005, the EGATIN Study Days in Rome dealt with the theme “Didactic Matrix”.

Under the pressure of social and scientific changes, group analysis faced new challenges and crossed uncharged territories and the topic is more relevant than ever.

In 2022, again in Rome, it will be possible to explore how “differences” question the didactic matrix and research in group analysis, the effectiveness of therapy and training in the postmodern world. 

EGATIN Study Days 2021 ONLINE 23/04/2021 – 25/04/2021

The EGATIN Committee is pleased to announce confirmation of the 2021 Study Days, including EGATIN's AGM, will be held online from Friday 23rd to Sunday 25th April.

The Study Days this year is a two day event which will include a first day of clinical presentations and reflections and the second day exploring the application of Group Analysis to non-clinical settings including organisations, citizen groups, and other social groups and activities.

You will notice from the program that there will be two large groups open to all participants and one large group that is exclusively for students of EGATIN's organisational members.
The student large group is a recent innovation driven by the students themselves and we hope and expect this group to become a regular feature of future study days. 

EGATIN Video Conference with AGM ONLINE 30/10/2020 – 01/11/2020

There will be a Zoom conference which includes AGM, large group, policy meeting and one presentation, to which, as usual, observers will also be welcome.

Trainees from different training institutions of EGATIN´s network are also invited, this in order to create a trainees platform for an international exchange of Group analytic knowledge, experience and ideas.

The video conference is free of charge.

All members of the Member Training Institutions can register for this Zoom conference, but as the numbers are limited, delegates and trainees will be given priority.


EGATIN is a network of organizations which offer training programmes in Group Analysis.

By enabling the exchange of experiences and knowledge between the members, EGATIN tries to contribute to keeping the high standards in group analytic training programmes among EGATIN members, in Europe and beyond.

EGATIN also helps to facilitate the development and extension of training in group analysis in countries where such training is not provided.