Identity Crisis in a Changing World
Second International Workshop on Group Analysis with Children and Adolescents

19th - 21st September 2025 in Frankfurt/Main

An understanding for group analytical processes and the development of concepts for diverse settings have proven very effective when working with groups of children and adolescents, both within the therapeutic and pedagogic fields. In the past 20 years experiences in this work have been shared and evaluated at annual workshops in German- speaking Europe. It seems timely, therefore, to create a second international forum, which can profit from the insights of even more participants from different countries.

For registration and further information please visit our website. Participants: max.100

Participation fee:

Early Bird: € 270 for registration by 30th June 2025 Members of GaKiJu: € 300
Non Members: € 320
Students: € 120

Students of UASF: € 30
Free Cancellation until 31st July 2025

Please transfer your participation fee immediately after the registration to the following
GaKiJu IBAN: DE22 7606 9553 0201 0100 93 BIC (SWIFT): GENODEF1NM1

Reference: Workshop GaKiJu 2025
For further questions or information contact:

Furi Khabirpour, E-Mail:


Haim Weinberg "Resistances to online group analysis – Is there anything new under the sun?"

In this article, I explore the common resistances to online group analysis and group therapy and bring arguments to support the use of online settings for analytic groups. The arguments are based on theoretical, practical, experimental and experiential perspectives. Online groups are not supposed to replace in-person meetings and he article advocates an integrative model that benefits from both the online and in-person options. A comparison is made between the early arguments by individual psychoanalysts against group analysis and current arguments against online group analysis. Perhaps such resistance shows there is nothing new under the sun.

LGAS 7th international summer conference of group analysis: "The Circle of Life. What does the ending of group and practice bring?". Vilnius, 13-15th of June, 2025
Lithuanian GAS invites to the 7th traditional international summer conference of group analysis in Lithuania:
"The Circle of Life. What does the ending of group and practice bring?".
It will take place in Vilnius on 13-15th of June, 2025.
Besides exploring the theme, we will also celebrate 30 years since the Training of group analysis for Baltic states started in Vilnius. 
So, please, come to Vilnius to share, to discuss, and to celebrate life! 
Below you can find our invitation and description of the conference theme and programme. 
And happy to announce that REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW !
Early bird fee - until 20th of March.
LGAS Organising Committee
More info:
Sigmund Karterud. Group Analysis. A Modern Synthesis

Group Analysis outlines how clinical group analysis can re-establish itself as a leading paradigm for group psychotherapy. Group Analysis: A Modern Synthesis will be essential reading for all group psychotherapists in practice and in training. It will also appeal to students of group analytic psychotherapy.

Enclosed is a flyer announcing the book with a discount code. 

Second international workshop for group analysis with children and adolescents, 19-21September 2025, Frankfurt am Main

Second international workshop for group analysis with children and adolescents.

The theme of this workshop will be Identity Crises in a Changing World.

It will take place from Friday 19th till Sunday 21st September 2025 on the premises of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences: Nibelungen Platz 1, 60318 Frankfurt am Main.

Psycho-social Explorations of Trauma, Exclusion and Violence
Sample Chapter Promotion for Scanlon and Adlam (2022) Psycho-social Explorations of Trauma, Exclusion and Violence, International Library of Group Analysis, London Routledge. 
Following the publication in the ILGA series edited by Dr Earl Hopper, the publishers have very kindly made a free promotional chapter available.
This chapter sets out some of the key idea of our book - and the group-analytic concept that we are referring to as the ‘Diogenes paradigm’. 
Focused Group Analytic Psychotherapy by Steinar Lorentzen

Focused Group Analytic Psychotherapy. An Integration of Clinical Experience and Research

Steinar Lorentzen, University of Oslo, Norway

This practical text lays out a new form of focused, time- limited group analytic psychotherapy, built on new and existing research, and integrating clinical experience from across the field. 

Presented in three parts, Focused Group Analytic Psychotherapy clearly introduces the therapeutic approach, fully explores all the elements involved, from considering suitable patients to composing the group and the role of the therapist, and provides an in-depth examination of clinical quality assurance, research and the integration of supervision. Peppered with examples and vignettes from carefully designed research by the author and others, the chapters demonstrate how this approach can be used in group therapy with patients facing specific psychological problems, symptomatic distress and/or a problematic relationship to self or others.

20% Discount Available - enter the code FLE22 at checkout*


EGATIN is a network of organizations which offer training programmes in Group Analysis.

By enabling the exchange of experiences and knowledge between the members, EGATIN tries to contribute to keeping the high standards in group analytic training programmes among EGATIN members, in Europe and beyond.

EGATIN also helps to facilitate the development and extension of training in group analysis in countries where such training is not provided.